Neisseria Gonorrhea Isolation Petri Dish(Culture Method)

Summary : Composed of nutrient agar suiting for N. gonorrhea growth, antibiotic complex as contamination microbes inhibitor, the petri dish is poured and sealed under aseptic condition. The two division Petri dish is installed with CO2 generator. After incubation, typical colonies of Neisseria Gonorrhea, will emerge in the medium.

  • 1.Petri Dish, solid medium
  • 2.Main ingredients: GC powdered agar, purified water, vancomycin, polymyxinm and nystatin.
Storage and Validity
  • Stored at 2~8°C in fridge away from corrosive gas.
  • The validity duration is 6 months
  • Use soon once unsealing. The validity duration is 1 day only after unsealing.